Encounters with Wolves: Dynamics and Futures.

Begegnungen mit Wölfen - Zetkanja z wjelkami
wud. Marlis Heyer, Susanne Hose

161 stronow. A5-brošura

ISBN: 978-3-9816961-9-6
Płaćizna: 12,00 €
lěto wudaśa: 2020


What happens when wolves return to areas that humans inhabit and define as cultural landscapes? Since the 1990s, wolves have been settling again in middle and central Europe. Manifold societal discussions and negotiations accompany their return. As wolf numbers increase, dynamics accelerate. How can different scientific fields contribute to a better understanding of the diverse processes that encounters with wolves entail?
This volume of Mały rjad grew out of the conference “Encounters with Wolves: Dynamics and Futures,“ which took place in Bautzen in June 2018. It collects contributions from international scientists of various disciplines such as European ethnology, history, zoology, and communication sciences. Political, social, cultural, historical, educational and folkloristic approaches offer a broad variety of insights into the shared pasts, the recent developments and possible futures of human and non-human relations. Based on these perspectives, this volume intends to move beyond the narratives of conflict. It aims at opening spaces for discussions on whether and how coexistence is possible.

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